Introducing More Genders on Tinder




  • Tinder began rolling out More Genders to all markets as of July 14, 2020, excluding those where there are state-sponsored sexual orientation laws. 


  • Following collaborative efforts with Transgender Victoria, we are releasing this update in Australia starting on March 1, 2018.


  • After working with Transgender Europe, Inter-LGBT, FELGTB and dgti, we are excited to bring our localized More Genders update to members in France, Spain and Germany. This update will begin rolling out on June 23, 2017.




Everyone is welcome on Tinder.


Starting today, no matter how you identify, you can express your authentic self on Tinder.


To edit or add more information about your gender on Tinder, simply edit your profile. When you tap “I Am” and select “More” you can type a word that describes your gender identity. You can also select to be shown in searches which best reflect your identity. All members have the option to display their gender on their profile, as well.


More choices. More voices.


Every new person in your life expands your horizons in some way. Inclusion and acceptance drive this expansion, and we want Tinder to reflect the world that surrounds us every day.


No one will ever be banned from Tinder because of their gender. We haven’t had the right tools to serve our diverse community in the past, but that changes today. In addition to this new feature, we are learning to be a better ally to transgender and gender non-conforming communities by allocating additional resources to our support team, which includes educating our staff about the challenges facing these communities.


We know that we haven’t been perfect in the past. If you believe you were ever wrongfully removed from Tinder because another member reported you unfairly due to your gender, we want to invite you back to our platform. Simply send an email to with a link to your Facebook profile. Our team will review your request and work to grant you access to Tinder.


This is just one step in our efforts to make Tinder a more inclusive community. We built this feature with the help of our transgender and gender non-conforming members and consultants, including Nick Adams and Alex Schmider from GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program, and filmmaker and trans advocate Andrea James. We welcome your feedback and are committed to making Tinder the best platform for meeting new people – for everyone.


More genders on Tinder are rolling out in the U.S., U.K. and Canada.